Gateshead Urgent Care Team
Contact details: 07908414673
The urgent care team are a nurse led team, providing urgent care to patients in their own home as well as in nursing and residential care homes. They can respond quickly to calls in order to assess your needs, provide treatment and when necessary arrange services to support you at home in order to reduce unnecessary visits and admissions to hospital.
Response times range from 30 minutes to four hours depending on assessment. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week including bank holidays. They can visit patients over the age of 16 years and are registered with a GP in the Gateshead area.
They treat conditions or problems like:
COPD (if you need care for a flare up)
Chest infection
Breathing difficulties
Stomach pains
Animal bites
Diabetics with low sugar episode
Urine infections
Diarrhoea and vomiting
Minor injuries e.g. sprains, strains and small wounds
Coughs, colds and sore throats
Gateshead Talking Therapies
Contact details: 0191 2832541
Does it feel like you have nowhere to turn? These are common feelings are there is help available.
Gateshead talking therapies are a self-referral service. They are a team who work with people who need support to get through times when they feel low, depressed or stressed. They work with people aged over 16 years. The service is completely confidential. They run support groups, offer information classes & one to one therapy.
They operate within the NHS and are a service that provides therapists which are evidence bases as recommended by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).
Gateshead TIMS Physio Therapy Service
Contact details: 0191 4452643
Gateshead TIMS physio therapy is a self-referral service. Physiotherapy involves the assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions involving bones, joints, nerves muscle ligaments and tendons. The clinics are located in local health centres and some GP practices within the community – you will be offered the earliest appointment available at your chosen location.
Gateshead Crisis Team
Contact details: 0191 8148899 or Freephone 0800 652 2863
The Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team is a team of experienced mental health staff, which includes nurses, social workers, psychiatrists and pharmacy staff. We offer assessment and home treatment for people over 16 experiencing a mental health crisis, as an alternative to hospital admission.
The team operates across Newcastle and Gateshead 24 hours a day 7 days a week. However, the crisis team does not provide an ’emergency’ service such as a 999 response.
There is a text number for people who are Deaf and/or have communication difficulties: 07919 228 548
Sexual Health Trinity Square Gateshead
Contact details: 0191 2831577
Sexual Health Services for people living in Gateshead are delivered by South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust. The Service provides contraception and sexual health screening/testing, treatment and follow up. All forms of contraception, including long acting methods are available from the majority of clinics, with some clinics specifically for under 25's.